Monday, November 3, 2008




“有bbq,在crown jewel hotel后面的沙滩。”



  1. 滨滨有礼(主谋,方丈)
  2. (主某嫂,方妻)
  3. 强而有力的臂弯(本人,帮凶)
  4. (嗯,就是她)
  5. 丰兄(帮凶兼飞/肥车手)
  6. 楠儿当自强(被补庆生日的小女生)
  7. 豪杰(有如英雄般的名字,只是名字罢了)
  8. 董董(很罕见的一身运动装)
  9. 彬彬有礼(悄悄地来,给了红包,悄悄地走)
  10. (很喜欢跑,而且吃不饱)
  11. 谭伟伦


    in the planning process..
    still wondering which girl should i call..

    can u see the date stated there?
    so, it's not a fake pic!

    it's hard to set up the fire..
    the charcoal dust flies into my eye some more,
    and junwei treats me good by provide me a drink, so sweet la him..

    happy bday to u, 小楠!
    (must pronounce it nicely, or else it will become a rude word..)

    the moment of joy and it's kinda memorable!

    3 oily body guards that stand by her forever!

    foods n foot...

    eh, something's hot there!

    but ah ping, u should know what u can do, what u cant!

    ang pow?!
    gong xi fa cai?!

    the boy who stand beside me really a speedy 180km/h runner!

    i think the couple didn't want the 3 fellows to kacau them..

    the closest friends, u all got bo?

    a circle or an oval?

    everyone is acting serious except me..

    this fellow really like to act, but my belly is more attractive!

    it's him again, but this time he is really in hurry, buying McFlurry!

    mirinda and girls, i choose mirinda!

    this is the closest distance i stand beside her, yeah~

    finally, we got chance to take a proper family photo.



    please don't tell my papa, i am afraid he will..
    ask some cigarettes from me later..


    Anonymous said...

    i c oh gei in pic leh...

    Anonymous said...

    i still got keep in touch with him..
    next time we make a ns bbq party la..

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